Rafał Mierzwa

Wie reinigt man Reifen? – Leitfaden zur Fahrzeugpflege für Anfänger (Tutorial)

Die Reifen Ihres Autos sind mehr als nur Gummi; sie sind das Fundament Ihrer Fahrt. Sie sauber zu halten, verbessert nicht nur das Erscheinungsbild Ihres Fahrzeugs, sondern trägt auch zu ihrer Langlebigkeit und Sicherheit bei. In diesem umfassenden Leitfaden führen wir Sie durch den schrittweisen Prozess der Reinigung Ihrer Autoreifen. Von der Vorbereitung über die […]

Wie reinigt man Reifen? – Leitfaden zur Fahrzeugpflege für Anfänger (Tutorial) Weiterlesen »

Wie reinige ich Felgen? – Anfänger-Leitfaden für Autopflege (Tutorial)

Die Reinigung Ihrer Autofelgen lässt Ihr Auto besser aussehen und hilft den Felgen, länger zu halten. Im Laufe der Zeit sammeln sich Schmutz und Bremsstaub auf den Felgen an, was sie beschädigen kann. Genau aus diesem Grund ist eine regelmäßige Reinigung äußerst wichtig. In diesem Leitfaden zeigen wir Ihnen die besten Methoden zur Reinigung von

Wie reinige ich Felgen? – Anfänger-Leitfaden für Autopflege (Tutorial) Weiterlesen »

Wheel Cleaner Neon Bad Boys RRCustoms

FAQ: How To Clean Car Rims? 20 Most Frequently Asked Questions Answered

For those who value both function and form, maintaining your rims is essential. This blog is dedicated to providing precise and effective methods for ensuring your wheels remain good looking and in good condition. Join us in exploring best practices, professional advice, and advanced techniques in wheel care. Elevate your vehicle’s presentation by giving your

FAQ: How To Clean Car Rims? 20 Most Frequently Asked Questions Answered Weiterlesen »

FAQ:How to clean car plastics? TOP 10 Questions Answered in-depth

Keeping the interior of your car looking good involves more than just a car wash. Interior plastic and vinyl components, from the dashboard to the center console, often accumulate dust, stain, and grime. Want to know how to clean your car interior? Read this guide on cleaning car plastics. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. What products should I

FAQ:How to clean car plastics? TOP 10 Questions Answered in-depth Weiterlesen »

Close up photo of Golf wheel being detailed using Badboys Ceramic Tire Dressing

FAQ: Cleaning and Maintenance of Car Tires – TOP 20 Frequently Asked Questions.

Tires are one of the most essential parts of our vehicles. They provide contact with the road, ensuring our driving safety. However, regular cleaning is often overlooked by drivers. Cleaning tires is not only an aesthetic issue but primarily a vital aspect of caring for their durability and performance. Uncleaned tires can accumulate dirt, mud,

FAQ: Cleaning and Maintenance of Car Tires – TOP 20 Frequently Asked Questions. Weiterlesen »

Auto Detailing and Car Wrapping Training at RRCustoms: Kielce, Poland

Are you looking for a place where you can hone your skills in the field of auto detailing, car wrapping, and window tinting? Are you seeking a venue that guarantees the highest quality training, delivered by professionals with a decade of experience? RRCustoms Training Center is your ideal choice. ## RRCustoms Training Center: A Hub

Auto Detailing and Car Wrapping Training at RRCustoms: Kielce, Poland Weiterlesen »

We are in Japan! Proudly Announcing the Availability of Our Products in Japan!“

We are thrilled to announce that our products are now available in Japan. Japan is a country known for its meticulous care of automobiles, and we are excited to introduce our BadBoys cosmetics that perfectly align with this automotive culture. The initial feedback from our Japanese customers has been overwhelmingly positive, which brings us great

We are in Japan! Proudly Announcing the Availability of Our Products in Japan!“ Weiterlesen »

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